This Halloween I went as a steampunk vampire hunter. There are more pictures here. I still want to stain the box part so it mathces the round barrel on top. It hangs a little low, but it's kind of heavy. I like how the gun turned out, and the little pipe parts on the side. Now I just need to sharpen some spikes, load up the gattling gun, and start slaying the undead!
This took aout 3 weeks to make, not including the clothing, most of which I already had. I love thrift stores and used building supply yards. It consists mostly of a shoebox, an ice bucket, and a Nerf gun. I took apart a clock, and that provided the dome of plastic, and almost all the small brass bits. It has some sink handles, some soda bottles, and lots of paint. I gotta say, I love Mighty Putty! It is worth the price - I glued a piece of metal to a piece of glass! The next most expensive thing was the spray paint.
The whole idea came from some raffia garlic I found at Michaels. I make Victorian top hats, most of which are very fancy, in all different colors. As soon as I saw the garlic, I thought it should it should go on a hat, and the hat should go on a vampire hunter. If I was avampire hunter in a steampunk setting, I would use holy water in my boilers. Then if vampires tried to climb on my robot (atmomaton) or sneak up on me, I would poof out some steam, and they would get burned twice (once from hot steam and once from the holy water)
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