I almost forgot about this commercial from the Superbowl (there are so many things I tried to forget....) but this is a good post on it over at dandyism.net. The answer is obvious though. Andre. The other two guys look a bit unsavory. But then again, I love a man in a boater hat. You wish I was kidding.

Ok, maybe not every guy in a boater...
I very much approve of anything that gets a chap's face furniture a little neater, although caution must be used to ensure that it doesn't get too thinned-out. Not many people can pull off a pencil mustache.
Also, this article about Les Sapeurs in the Congo is pretty interesting, although I found the implication that normal dandyism does not emphasize manners to be a bit strange. From revolutionaries like the Chaps to ordinary (but stylish) men like Tim Gunn who don't really consider themselves dandies, manners are a big part of being a proper man. Anyway, the gentlemen in the 7th and (especially) 8th pictures in the article look fantastic. Hooray for dandyism! May it sweep the globe.
Here are more pictures! These guys are awesome, and the photo essay tells a bit about their culture as well. They seem like really nice people, as well as stylish. It will start playing music, but it's very pleasant music.
Coming up: 3 (yes 3!) movie reviews.
Les Sapeurs are still, uh, a gang. European clothes aren't the only thing they smuggle in—and sometimes the loser of those fashion contests of theirs ends up dead.
ReplyDeleteWhich, admittedly, is a lot like jingi, only with walkoffs substituted for dice-games—holding propriety dearer than your life, staying out of the way of the respectable people, and so on. And it's a damn sight better than every other subculture in the Congo, so there's also that.
Someone needs to give these gents snappy BDUs and train 'em with machineguns.
PS. It says something about the French that their word for "dandy" is "sapper"—as in the guys who tunnel under walls or dig foxholes. That's also, by the way, their word for firemen...because the French don't actually have civilian terminology.
Pish tosh. What's a little criminal activity when one looks so fabulous? (please read in Rarity's voice)
ReplyDeleteBut, yeah, they should stop being gang members and only settle their disputes with walk-offs (set to the theme from Mortal Kombat)