Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nashville flood!

This is a story that has gotten almost no coverage, even though it looks like it will be more economically devastating than hurricane Katrina. The Cumberland river has overflowed its banks, and reached the thousand year flood level! People were rowing canoes across the stage at the Grand Ol Opry. The people there have been amazing, pulling together, helping each other, getting things done. There hasn't been any looting or things of that nature.

However, the devastation is real, and a lot of bands are trying to raise money. But some bands are out of luck. The Outlanders had their bus flooded, and most of their gear was destroyed. Abney Park's Captain Robert has this link on his livejournal, about where people can send donations, mostly of supplies, leather, brass, machine bits, etc. You can send donations of money to help out the whole city and surrounding areas at the links on this site.

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